Installation & Usage of iterm2, zsh
Install iterm2 on mac:
Iterm2 is a good replacement tool for terminal and one must have if you are using mac. You can install iterm2 through Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager tool for mac.
Command to install iterm2: brew cask install iterm2
Iterm Hotkey to show/hide windows: iterm2 —> preferences —> key —> Hotkey —> check the box. Default shortcut key would Option + Space
Window split Vertical/ Horizontal: Command + D/ Command + Shift + D
Navigate windows: Command + Options + Arrow Keys
Maximize/ Minimize Window: Command + Shift + Enter
Open search: Command + ;
Install zsh on mac:
Command to install zsh (zshell): brew install zsh
then check whether it is installed using —version.
To set default shell as a zsh to iterm: chsh -s /bin/zsh
To check the default shell is now set to zshell: echo $SHELL
Reference video: